Of course, to properly utilize the calendar, you will need to
be able to add entries to it. This is simply done by using the editing
space provided on the daily calendar view (See
for information on that.). The following image is a diagram of the editor space to the right of the events listing.
Webmail makes adding an entry quite detailed. There is no navigating to
another page to add an entry. Instead you are given everything at a
glance, all to make it easier for you. Although the following
instructions may seem somewhat complicated, the calendar entry panel is
quite self-explanatory and easy-to-use with a little help and
To add an entry, type your memo in the text field under Add Calendar Entry. You then will need to select the time(s) at which the event will take place. Beside Start Time, select the hour, minutes, and the time of day it will take place (AM or PM -- Morning or Afternoon). You can also select the End Time of the event (follow the same instructions as the Start Time). If you select "None" for the Start Time,
the event will be added to the bottom of the daily list, at no
particular time. You can use this when, for example, you know the day
or date of the event, but don't know the exact time. If you select no End Time, then the event will simply not state an end time.
You then have an option to specify how frequently in the current
month that this event will take place. If the current day is the only
day that the event is relevant to, leave the default selection in the
drop menu ("This day's date only"). However, this event may take place every
of the same day that is selected. The calendar will automatically
recognize what day you are on, and adjust the drop menu accordingly.
For example, if it is Thursday, your other two options will be "Every
1st Thursday of The Month", and "Every Thursday of this Month". These
will adjust the events to the selections' obvious meanings.
If you want to be more specific, the OpenWebMail calendar allows
you to get into a lot more detail. Instead, you can check off "This day
and the next ___ days" (Where "___" is a text field in which you can
specify a number), and change the text field accordingly to however
many days the event is in effect. For example if you had an event that
took place at the same time from Monday through Thursday of a week, you
would choose the Monday of which the event will take place on the
monthly view, check off "This day and the...", and type "3" into the
text field.
The next option you can select is "This month only", "Every odd (or
even) month this year" or "Every month this year". It allow you to put
the event in effect for these frequencies.
As well, the checkbox "Every Year" will duplication the event annually.
Because they are checkboxes, you can use them all simultaneously by
checking off more than one checkbox.
A Hyperlink is a connection to a website or file that may
help you remember more details about the event. This can be a link to a
website, virtual file, or physical file on your machine. If it is a
link to a file or page on the internet, leave the http:// prevalent in the text field. However, if it is link to a file on your computer, change it to file:///, and then the path the file (example: file:///c:/my documents/file.ext). Note that if you have created a link to a file on your local machine, it will be accessible from only
that machine, and no others (unless, of course, that file happens to
exist on another machine you may be working on). It is recommended to
keep the http:// within the text field and make a link to an online website to ensure usability.
In the box under Send notification email to, you can type an
e-mail address as a reminder to someone you may, for example, have a
meeting with. Optionally, you could type your e-mail address
instead, as a self reminder. When the event is scheduled to take
place, an e-mail will automatically be sent to the address specified in
this text box.
Default the events are viewed at the top of the mail folder view. To display the calendar item on this bar choose yes in Event reminder, otherwise select no.

The Event Color enables you to colour-code your
events. This allows for a visual representation of your event
schedule, whether colour-coded by times of day, types of events, or
anything you wish to have the colour represent. To colourize your
event entry, Select a number-letter combination from the drop-menu,
that corresponds with the colour in the legend below.
Finally, after you are finished entering in the event data, click
"Save" and it will be entered into the list of events for that day (and
any others you may have specified in the event frequency).
You can also edit the events later after you have created them by
clicking the corresponding event. You can follow the instructions above
editing events as they are relatively identical. Clicking the little
trash can will delete the event. |